For the Nechanicky brothers, Schmee began as a made up word commonly tossed around when describing a heartfelt experience or a certain moment in time that simply felt special. Snowboarding in Crested Butte Colorado and setting sail in the British Virgin Islands can be summed up as “Schmee” for oldest brother Keith. Living Schmee for middle brother Robert included playing lacrosse for the Naval Academy and navigating the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Youngest brother Tyler describes his love for the Outer Banks North Carolina and his backpacking escapades in Alaska as you guessed it, “Schmee.” The meaning of Schmee has been derived from the places they love and the things they love doing. And so the Nechanicky brothers invite you to create your own meaning of Schmee, originating from the places you love to be and the life you love living. What is your Schmee?
The terms living, dreaming, and thriving embody the Schmee lifestyle. Whether you’re skiing down a mountainside, riding waves on the coast, setting sail around the world, or simply enjoying the outdoors, Schmee is where YOU are and what YOU make it. Schmee is YOUR journey full of beautiful moments and experiences that will be embossed in your memory forever. Every sunrise brings endless possibilities, and every sunset brings dreams of tomorrow’s adventures. Explore, create, laugh, thrive. Schmee is a way of life.
“As professional snowboarder Jeremy Jones once said ‘It’s no surprise that when you follow your passion and you live the life you want to live you encounter others doing the same, and it just reinforces that it’s a righteous path.’ For us Nechanicky brothers its simple: Our path is life and how we envision it. So we created Schmee clothing as a reminder to ourselves to never stop following our passion and to inspire others to do the same. “Schmee is not a name. It’s a lifestyle.” -Tyler Nechanicky